pussy health- letting our favorite body part liveeeeee

We love our vaginas because they are life! Literally every human on this planet came out of a vagina. They are wonderful and magical and sometimes, like every kick-ass woman, a little bit complicated. We rounded up some health Q&As about our favorite body part.

 To douche or not to douche??

Your pussy is completely self-sufficient. It cleans itself and if you are healthy, it will keep its PH balanced on its own. This means it's never necessary to douche. In fact, douching can cause problems, like throwing off the flora (bacteria) balance in the vagina. Let your body take care of itself, lady. It knows what it’s doing.

How do I get rid of discharge?

You don’t! Discharge is completely natural and normal. Discharge creates a hospitable environment for sperm to travel up to an egg. It is also part of what keeps your vagina healthy and balanced. You might notice that sometimes your discharge is different color or thickness. When it’s thicker, it might be a sign that you are ovulating. Taking note of discharge can help inform you about your body’s natural rhythms and hormone levels.

However, if you discharge has a fishy smell and is a greenish or chalky white color, this may be a sign that something has thrown the PH balance off and you might have an infection. Check with your doctor to make sure everything is peachy. 

Can I lose anything in my vagina?

No! You can’t lose anything in your vagina. It may seem like a black hole, but it’s not. Your cervix blocks anything from exiting your vagina and going somewhere else in your body. However, it is possible for things to get lodged quite deeply inside, like a tampon, Nuvaring, or menstrual cup (especially if you forget about it when having sex—it happens.) If you know or suspect something is stuck out of your reach, try squatting over a mirror and pushing while you take a dig around. If this doesn’t work, your gyno or doc can get it out pretty easily for you.

 Can I get a UTI from wearing a thong?

Yes, and from sex. There are a few different types of urinary tract infections, but some are caused by bacteria, namely E. coli, entering the urethra. Thongs can be responsible for this, especially if the material is synthetic and prone to holding bacteria. This is why we don’t recommend wearing a thong during workouts and why all dylanunderwear have a 100% organic cotton pouch.

Sex can also spread bacteria to your more delicate places, so it’s good practice to pee after sex. Common symptoms of UTIs are burning, irregular discharge, and feeling like you need to pee a lot.

 Can I get a yeast infection from taking antibiotics?

It’s true—antibiotics kill all sorts of bacteria, including the good bacteria in our vaginas which keep the yeast that lives there at the right level. If the bacteria is disturbed, the yeast can overpopulate and cause a yeast infection. You can always take pro-biotics and eat pro-biotic rich foods like yogurt to prevent this from happening when you’re on antibiotics.

If you do have a yeast infection, it’s important to take the necessary meds and to let your vagina breathe as much as possible. This means going commando or wearing cotton close to your skin.

 What’s the difference between bacterial vaginosis (BV) and a yeast infection?

Yeast infections happen when the bacteria is disrupted and doesn’t do its job of limiting the amount of yeast present in the vagina. BV has many of the same symptoms, like itch and discharge, but it’s actually an overgrowth of the bad bacteria in the vagina and requires a different treatment. You can see your doctor to get accurately diagnosed and to find out the right treatment.

What about masturbation? Is it good for my vagina?

Read all about it in our masturbation blog>>


Written with love by Kristen Koester-Smith of, providing copywriting and storytelling for brands of integrity. 

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